Write a context free grammar for structure of a english sentence, where a pronoun is followed by a verb and verb is followed by determiner. Determiner is followed by noun and noun can be followed by noun. Statement can begin with noun or a proper noun. **following program is written for example sentence"I prefer a morning flight from New Delhi".


#include "y.tab.h"
I {return pronoun};
prefer {return verb;}
a{return determiner;}
morning|flight {return noun;}
from {return preposition;}
NewDelhi {return propernoun;}


%token noun pronoun propernoun determiner verb preposition
S : NP VP {printf ("Sentence accepted");}
NP : pronoun
      | propernoun
      | determiner nominal
nominal : noun nominal
               | noun
VP : verb
      | verb NP
      | verb NP PP
      | verb PP
PP : preposition NP

yyerror(char * arg)
printf("invalid sentence");


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